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Dogs and apartment living

One day a while back at the pool I over heard a conversation about dogs and apartment living. They said having a dog in an apartment is cruel and something they could never do. Apartment living for dogs can be tough. I know, I've been doing it for six years. All day, everyday I can look out the window and see someone with a dog on a flexi 15 feet out in front of them pulling and barking while the owner is on the phone. Not only can this be dangerous for the dog, but it can be dangerous to the owner as well. Dogs on a flexi leash can be hard to control. They can bolt out into oncoming traffic, run up to approaching little kids, barking and pulling at everything that comes their way. Alot of people think with a long flexi leash they are doing a good service to their dog but they are not. A dog needs guidance, and leadership and if they are out in front of you doing whatever they want then they feel like they are the leader instead of you. We can give your dog the off leash freedom whenever you choose for your dog to be a dog. To roam and play, but also give you the confidence they can be recalled right back to you whenever you choose. How great would it feel to take your dog out in the woods and let them run, go hiking with you with the leash dragging the ground instead of pulling you down the trail? Hang out uptown on a patio on a friday night with you instead of having to stay home all alone wondering when your coming back? We can give you and your dog all of this and more if you choose. The first step is getting in contact for a free consultation and we will go from there.



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Serving Myrtle Beach to Florence and surrounding areas.

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