Our Dog Training FAQs are a valuable resource if you are considering enrolling your dog or puppy into our training programs. If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to contact us.
>> What is in-board training?
Board and training requires that your dog be left with us for 2 weeks minimum of training. Our programs enable your dog to learn commands quickly and effectively. Having your dog on-site is a valuable key to the success of our training. With consistent and countless repetition of commands, we accomplish much more than what can be taught in a once-per-week program.
>> Why consider in-board training?
It is the most efficient and effective method of dog training. It is highly successful and will produce quicker and better results then once per week or group class sessions. In a two-week board and train your dog will participate in multiple training sessions throughout the day. It has been proven dogs learn in short sessions rather then in longer more drawn out sessions. They can quickly become bored, and less involved if the sessions are not only short but also fun. This also means you the owner would be investing hundreds of hours of your own time, gas, and efforts with the possibility your dog will not obtain the goal or objective you have for it.
>> Will my dog forget who I am?
No! We have never had a situation where a dog has not remembered it's owner or family. That said, if a dog comes directly to our facility from the breeder or rescue, it has not lived in the new owners home nor developed a bond, so it is not to be expected.
>> Where will my dog be kept while in training at FBL K9?
Your dog will stay in our home as a member of our pack, and between training sessions, have supervised opportunities to socialize and play. We want our guests to feel at home while living in an environment conductive to dog obedience training. Also you as well would be able to stop by anytime during business hours.
>> Do you accept dogs that are aggressive toward humans? What about other forms of aggression?
We do not accept dogs with aggression toward humans. The liability of a dog biting a person or another dog in a public place is beyond what we are willing to risk. Dogs with aggression such as dog-on-dog aggression, resource guarding, and other forms of behavioral issues may be accepted on a CASE BY CASE basis. If a dog is enrolled with aggression of which was not disclosed prior to placing a deposit, it will be ejected from the course and the deposit will be forfeited to pay for the vacant spot in the course. If you have questions or are uncertain if your dog would be accepted, please contact us.
>> If you do the training, will my dog still perform the commands at home?
Yes. However you also will need training which is a big part of the success of our course. Owner follow through of commands, correcting unwanted behaviors, and rewarding your dog for making the right decisions. This will be necessary for your dog's training to last a lifetime. We will teach you the commands, hand signals, and protocol for what to do if your dog does not immediately respond to a command. Upon course completion, you will receive a YouTube link of your dog performing the commands, written go-home instructions, and hands on training with you and your dog. After your dog returns home, we also include two hours worth of follow-up handler training.
>> Will my dog ever misbehave after it graduates?
Dogs will be dogs, and just as humans no dog is perfect. No form of dog training can guarantee that your dog will never misbehave again. Training will be required for the life of a dog which your involvement also is required. However, our method of training is effective, yet simple and easy for you to follow. We guarantee follow-up assistance for the life of your dog. We stand behind our training!
>> How will I be able to find out about my dog's progress?
Email and facebook is our main form of communication. Morning emails will be sent, as well as daily videos of your dogs progress uploaded to our facebook page.
>> Do you use ecollars in your training?
Yes. However, we believe in first teaching the dog what is expected through positive motivation before any corrective collars are introduced. Proper training with an ecollar is like learning a new language for your dog. If someone told you to do something such as take a seat at the table in a language you didn't know or understand you would have no clue as what to do. Same thing applies with using an ecollar. First the dog has to know what it means before they learn how to react to it. We use a corrective collar to emphasize control, not inflict pain. There are three phases of dog training: acquiring information (learning), proofing or ensuring the dog understands the command, and generalizing (proficiency through consistent execution).
In order for a negative behavior to be extinguished a negative consequence needs to be applied. We reward the good behaviors, apply a correction to the unwanted behaviors, and proof responses to commands by use of a corrective collar AFTER a dog has learned what the commands mean and AFTER it has performed them several hundred times.